Thursday, October 23, 2014

bush flying

when we’re old and grey
looking back at life

grateful for what we had
peaceful and in harmony

when we’re ready and done
and passed on our message

happy with what we achieved
hopeful and in love

we will take the step
together as one

towards a new adventure

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

3 seconds

for 3 seconds
i was in heaven

for 3 seconds
tasting the sweetness of your lips
feeling the warmth of your body

for 3 seconds
seeing your fragile beauty
hearing your mystic voice
smelling your subtile scent

one look
one kiss
one touch

enough to know
the magic is still there

and our love is  immortal

Sunday, October 19, 2014


i will wait for you
if it is a 1000 years
if it is until time stops

i will love you
with all of my heart
with all of my soul

i will build for you
a castle by the lake
a bed of roses

i will care for you
when there is sun
and when there is rain

as you are me
and i am you

we are one

Monday, September 29, 2014

my beautiful red ruby

I am grateful

grateful for what you showed me
grateful for those wonderful moments
grateful for knowing you

you took the right decision
and finally woke me up
lifting me out of darkness

for 30 years I have been struggling
from can to bottle
from bottle to can

crawling in my own misery
feeling sorry for myself
drowned in anger

that is the past
my mind is clear
my body regenerates

a new start
being grateful
being happy

detaching from things
and caring for what matters

our souls are interlaced
what the universe brought together
no man can separate

we will join again
perhaps not in this life
perhaps as colliding stars
in love until time stops

I thank you

from the bottom of my heart
and ask for forgiveness
for the pain I caused

Thursday, September 25, 2014

letting go

my dear friend

too long you’ve been there
boxed in, trapped
just what you never wanted

me holding on to the past
fooling myself
being selfish

that is over now
I set you free

knowing the universe now
you will always be there
in my heart and soul
thank you for being my dad

Wednesday, September 24, 2014



done with the past.
tomorrow brings what it will bring.

now is the moment!

you've showed me the ways of the universe
you've learned me the power of words

the time has come for a change

positive messages into the universe
detachment from material crap
no more living from beer to beer

time for love and us
time for peace and harmony

finally i can say
with a pure heart
and a clear mind

i love you my anam cara
